Carols or Playlists
Music has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up singing to songs on the radio, singing in choirs, singing on the worship team at church, singing with my family as my dad strummed the guitar in our home, and creating our own songs (mostly goofy) that revolved around events in our lives. My brother and I wrote our first song when we were 9 & 10 years old. We shared a bedroom that year, as our parents both went back to college to complete degree programs, and I clearly remember sitting on my bed while my brother plucked out a tune on our dad’s guitar. The theme of the song was this: My brother hates blue jeans! HAHAHA! Seriously, here are the lyrics -
“Blue jeans, blue jeans,
My brother hates blue jeans,
He really hates to wear them…”
I don’t exactly recall why he was being forced to wear blue jeans but I suspect it had to do with wearing jeans to school or something. This was our big musical debut and from here we broke into the music industry!
I remember memorizing songs from movies and tapes and then performing them for my family. (Remember those cassette tapes that had microscopic print on the inside label with lyrics)? Then CD’s came out with something similar, and now we have to look up the lyrics on google to match to our digital musical listening.
I spent hours watching Disney movies, pausing the songs, writing the lyrics (or what I thought I was hearing), and memorizing songs. I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH! Music has a profound way of speaking to our souls and moving us both physically and emotionally. What a gift from our creator!
This week hold a few more medical tests, and then I am done for at least another year. I have my annual colonoscopy on Friday and I am hopeful that I will receive the clear to go 2 years! I welcome prayers for that outcome.
“Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
The Christmas season brings a wonderful variety of music that is special for this time of the year. I especially love Christmas music because the constant theme is HOPE! Jesus is our hope. No matter our circumstances in the past, present, or future, He will always offer the greatest gift of all. Hope! He is the gift of eternal salvation and that will never change, regardless of what this world throws at us. He is right there in it with us.
I will leave you with this song that speaks to the HOPE that Jesus is, especially during the Christmas season.