What if…
What if I had done this differently? What if I hadn’t ignored the signs? What if I had passed on that decision and waited a little longer? What if I would have arrived a few minutes earlier / later? What if I took that leap instead of staying where I am? What if I left? What if I trusted my intuition instead of doing what the rest of the world said was right for me? What if, what if, what if?
There are more what-ifs in our lives than I care to bore you with. This question plagues us and tries desperately to rob us of our joy, especially when the decision we are making feels significant. We are so good at playing out scenarios in our minds with different outcomes based on different decisions, and then if we think the outcome would have been better we beat ourselves up internally for making what appears to be the wrong decision. (Or am I the only one who does this)?
We all know that hindsight is 20/20, and that is great because it helps shape our future decisions. But… I encourage you to consider that the outcome could actually turn out exactly as it did regardless of the possible alternative scenario. We do not know if making a different choice in the moment would have led us to where we currently are regardless because there are millions of scenarios in this life. We place way too much pressure on ourselves to know all of the details and weigh every single option before choosing a path, and I would argue that the stress and discontentedness that causes is simply not necessary.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and have it in abundance.”
Please don’t get me wrong. Certain choices have absolute right and wrong attached to them. I am not talking about making poor choices, or choices without consideration. I am talking about the well-thought-out choices we make that eventually ask us to look back and question our decisions.
We doubt.
We live in a time where an overload of information is readily available to us. We can search for answers by asking an automated device or clicking a link on the computer. Answers are waiting for us before we can finish our questions, so we gather as much information as possible and attempt to make the most informed decision we can on the subject at hand. This is great, but we also need to trust God and trust our God-given instincts to make the best decision at that time.
God is in the What-If’s!
I find great comfort in knowing that God knows my course. He knows the decisions I am making will lead to the outcome necessary for me at any given point in my life. He knows every single what-if. He knows every possible scenario that could play out, and if we seek him I honestly believe that the choices we make are directed by Him and the outcome is ultimately exactly as He intended. We might end up taking what seem like detours along the way, but God will lead us if we allow Him to.
Today was my final day working in the job I have held for over 15 years. I was comfortable in my position, I enjoyed my workplace, and had great co-workers. Our clinic made some changes a couple of years ago that shifted my role a bit, and pulled me out of a portion of work that I discovered I enjoyed very much. I began looking at other options but was unsure what exactly I was looking for. I recently found a position in a company closer to my home and with work that I believe I will truly enjoy. The decision to leave what has been steady and comfortable for so long was not easy, but I felt so much peace and assurance in my decision that I have been able to move forward confidently and with much excitement for my new role. I know I could sit in the what-if’s surrounding this decision but I am choosing to trust that God was with me in the process and He is continuing to guide me as I move into my new role. I am excited to meet some new people and gain a new work family (while cherishing my previous work family). I love people and look forward to the relationships that will come with this change.
Our current culture is one of worry and fear. We place God on a shelf and dust him off when it’s convenient or when tragedy strikes. We need to get back to honoring God and His will for our lives. The peace that comes with truly knowing that we don’t need to have it all figured out is unexplainable. I hope and pray for each of you that you will find that peace in your own life. Stop regretting past choices. Let’s all move forward with HOPE for a bright future. God is still on the throne and He is GOOD!