All Clear!
Praise the name of Jesus!!
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
On Friday, March 24th I met with my oncologist to go over the latest CT scan and Lab results. I was feeling especially anxious as Darek and I waited in the consultation room. I think I have developed a little PTSD through this process, and I am working diligently to overcome that battle in my mind. There were words used in the report that I did not fully understand, and a finding that was new, but unrelated to anything else. I also had a couple of lab values that were on the lower side, so I was curious to know what that really meant.
We waited about for what seemed like an hour (it may as well have been) but was really only 30 minutes and my oncologist cracked the door open. She peeked her head in and said the words we have been HOPING for:
“All Clear!”
She proceeded to say that she looked through the scan and everything looks great. (Insert ear-to-ear smile)! The lab values that seemed low are values that fluctuate throughout the day, and she was not the least bit worried. A huge wave of relief swept over us. This is what every patient going through any sort of sickness longs to hear. I will return in four months for my next check-up, and then we will continue to push those appointments apart farther and farther.
I have learned many lessons through these trials and events in the past few years. I was reading my daily devotion a couple of days ago and the message rang loud and clear to me:
“Your place in this family matters so very much. In fact, whatever you allow in your life, you allow in ours.
Nobody lives on an island and nobody’s choices stand alone; they affect a whole community.”
She went on to explain that “What we allow in our lives, we allow in our community, even if those around us never know.” This is true in so many ways. There is always a ripple effect based on our choices. The manner in which we carry ourselves matters. The way you treat your neighbor matters. The consideration you have for others (especially when you’re in a hurry) matters. The smile you offer a stranger matters. It matters!
You matter!
Maybe you need to hear this today. Even in the solace of your home, your choices affect others. Your absence is noticed. Your presence is noticed. You were created in the perfect image of God, for a purpose greater than you can imagine. We all were. It is up to us to determine how we will use that information. “Your life deeply impacts your community.” - Susie Larson
I desperately want you to know that you are a valuable and important part of this world, and your community. I aim to let my small stone in the water of life create a ripple of HOPE for a world in desperate need of it. My focus on hope along with the miraculous healing power of God has led me to the current “All Clear” visit.
You may be waiting for the “All Clear” in your circumstance. One day you will have that “All Clear.”
Follow Jesus and you will live in Heaven eternally, healed (All Clear) and perfect!