Everybody has a story and each story holds a unique value. It is easy to fall into the trap of believing we have nothing to offer because we are not on a stage in front of thousands of people, or we have not been through a life circumstance that in our minds sets us apart from anyone else. I would argue that you DO have a unique story, and it DOES matter. The method you recently found to keep your family fed might just be the thing your neighbor is struggling with. The book you found fascinating might be exactly what your friend needs to help them through a similar situation. The routine you find simple at home could free up time in someone's schedule if they knew enough to try something different. We are good at getting caught up in our day with what we hold as important in the moment and we often fail to step back and see the world around us. I am not sure if it is fear of rejection that keeps us from stepping out and believing that our story is important, or if it is just something we have never thought to share.
In history, before the written word, stories were the only thing people groups had to pass down their customs and beliefs. They were great at gathering and sharing/listening to each other as they made known the important aspects that led to their survival. We have lost this art as the written word is so readily available, but it also seems that we have lost the art of reading. There is way too much information thrown at us from every direction, every single day. The simplicity of sharing our stories and helping our community grow and thrive seems like a lost art, but oh my friends, it is so very beneficial!
What if we took two minutes each day to remove ourselves from all of the things vying for our attention and we looked around? You know how it goes. There is that thing that you were going to fix or take care of at home, and for the first few days it is STARING at you. Then, it starts to fade into the background, and a year later you suddenly notice it again and wonder how you overlooked that for so long!
What if we took time to notice a need in our neighborhood? That house up the street has weeds growing taller than the landscape plants, and it appears that nobody is taking care of them. Instead of turning away in disgust, maybe they have a life situation that doesn't allow them the time or ability to care for their yard right now. Maybe we could take 15 minutes out of our day to step in and help out.
What if we took a minute to write an encouraging note, text, email, or letter to a friend that has been on our mind? You have been thinking of someone on and off for a few days now, but you aren't sure why. I like to take those prompts and reach out to let that person know I'm thinking of them. It's really simple, but I like to believe it means something.
What if we simply took a minute to breathe and allow God to speak to us in ways He simply cannot when we are consumed by busyness and noise? What if in that moment of breathing and thinking, an idea comes to mind that could be exactly what you have been waiting for as an answer to your own question?
In these moments of space, think through your story and who might benefit from your life experiences. Think of the blessing you can be to others, and what that might look like. Oftentimes for me it is over a cup of coffee or smoothie bowls. Two of my favorite things! My friends can totally vouch for this. If you want to get together with me and spend time chatting, I will default to coffee, smoothie bowls, or a delicious salad. (Yes, I do love salad!)
If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you already know much of my story. I have a little surprise on the horizon - something I am working on. It might take a year before it's ready, but I have realized that over the past couple of years I have been able to impact a teeny tiny population of people through the sharing of my story. I may not be the greatest writer but I will strive to keep things interesting as I share lessons I have learned along my journey.
Journaling, blogging (which is basically an online journal), or retelling life events to your children, family, friends, or community can make a substantial difference in people's lives. Put your fears aside and let your unique story shine. Regardless of how simple it seems, until you share with others you will not know how much they need to hear what you have to share.
I would like to say that I am not trying to convince you to do something you have no desire to do, but I guess I really am doing just that. Again, you don't have to write and share publicly, but at the very least, share with your family. Share with your children. Share in the spaces that you are familiar and comfortable with, so when an opportunity presents itself to share with a stranger, you feel more comfortable.
“But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
The greatest story every told is the written word of God. The Bible is a book filled with stories that give us hope, guide us along our path, and encourage us. I, personally, am thankful for these stories. It is through these stories that we find the gift of eternal salvation. THAT is a life-changing story that I am thankful for!
I have finally scheduled my follow up Lab and CT appointments. I am not sure how this was missed, but I was apparently supposed to have this scheduled in July and then consult with my oncologist. Well, I didn't receive a call to schedule and I couldn't exactly remember when I was supposed to do this. By the time I called in, the first available appointment with my oncologist was in October!! YIKES!! It is a sad reality that she is so busy. I was able to get in for my labs, and as far as I can tell, everything looks good. I am relieved by that! Next Friday, 9/8, I have my CT scan. That is one that I am really not looking forward to, even though I have no reason to think the results will be less than stellar. Then, I finally follow up with my oncologist in October to discuss the results. I will have the results in my chart long before that appointment, so I will know what the report says. I am praying and believing for a clear scan so we can spread these check-up's out even farther.
I appreciate any and all prayers for leading up to these appointments.