Winter Wonderland
Snow has been falling for the past two days and at times it truly feels like we are living in a snowglobe. The beauty of the white blanket on the ground and the flocked trees brings all of the feels of Christmas! Living in Minnesota, many people naturally assume that we always have snow for Christmas, but that is not the case. I was recently looking at a map of snow trends over the past 50 years, and our region seems to have a brown Christmas every 3rd year, give or take. The White Christmas lends some sort of magical, peaceful feeling to our families and communities. I liken it to the effect that flowers have on mental health. Visual beauty, particularly in colorful plants and flowers, improves mental health. I wonder if there are any studies showing a correlation between snow cover and mood. Left up to me, I would hypothesize that there is an increase in mood when nature is beautiful! Maybe I should take a poll and write a paper on this. Haha! (I do have to remove the disdain for driving in snow and messy, long commute times). My study is specifically related to mood and snow cover.
Did you smile yet today?
If not, this is your invitation. Just raise those corners of your mouth and you will feel happier, even just briefly. I am smiling… That is my simple gift to you today.
This gives me much reason to smile! On Monday I will have my power port (Click that link if you are interested in the details) removed from my upper chest!!! DANCE PARTAY!! Darek coined this as my “De-port-ation Day.” Ports serve an important purpose in patients receiving multiple infusions over a long period of time, however, I have never become fond of mine. It is uncomfortable every. single. day. My port has three small raised bumps in the shape of triangle so my kids lovingly refer to it as my “hidden Mickey.” If you have ever been to Disney or at any Disney owned property, there are Mickey’s hidden in many of the details. It becomes a fun game to find the “hidden Mickey’s” all around, even in the architecture and landscape. I welcome the removal of my hidden Mickey, as I am finished with chemotherapy!! Praise The Lord!
I will be awake for this procedure. I was also awake when they put it in. They do numb the area, thank goodness, because it it located just beneath the skin and attached to an arterial vein in my neck. Honestly, the Interventional Radiology team is so much fun that I am looking forward to being in their care again. They play music, laugh, and joke (at appropriate times) while they are working. They also care, and it shows.
On Tuesday, I will return for a CT and MRI (in lieu of a PET scan), and then Wednesday I will meet with an oncologist to go over those scan results. I am ready for my journey into full remission and CURE from this disease. I was having strong “scan-xiety” last week, but on my way home in the car one day I felt God’s presence. I was waiting at a traffic light on HWY 5 and it was a grey, cloudy day (which we have often here in MN during the winter). As I sat there, suddenly a small hole opened in the clouds and the sun burned through. I opened my car window (despite the cold outside) to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. At that moment, I honestly felt like God spoke to me, saying, “Stephanie, I’ve got this. It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” Tears briefly filled my eyes and I was incredibly grateful for that moment.
As suddenly as the clouds opened, they closed again, and the light turned green. I looked around, wondering if anyone else noticed or appreciated that brief, warm encounter of sunshine. I wondered if God spoke to anyone else nearby at that exact moment.
I pray for each of you, that God would meet you in a moment like that. May the warmth of His presence be yours this Christmas season.
“Taste and see that the LORD is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!”