Ooooh…. We’re Halfway There…
You read that right. We are halfway through the chemotherapy treatments and I am relieved to see an end in sight. I started chemo at the end of May (took a break for surgery) and will complete a course of 12 treatments near the beginning of December. What a Christmas gift it will be to our entire family!! In the meantime, we continue to trust God through this process, and do everything we can to bring glory and honor to Him. I do feel pretty nauseous and fatigued during these treatments, but I find that as long as I eat I feel better. Fruit seems to be the thing that satisfies my appetite best, and I have been making ginger tea in the mornings to help with the nausea.
School is in full swing for us and we are entering our Fourth week! That seems pretty crazy!! If I failed to mention in previous posts, Toby signed up for Orchestra this year and is playing the Upright String Bass. We were able to find a 3/4 size for him and so far so good. He is building his core and upper body strength hauling that beast to and from school!! Yesterday when we got home he played for me the first song he has learned. He is already getting the hang of it and it makes my heart happy. May music fill our home!
As we continue to approach fall we enter a time of intentional community with Small Groups at church and Youth group / AWANA for the kids. I will admit that this year I was ready to take a “break” from many of these things, but I have come to the realization that we are meant for community especially during difficult times. Our family has been blessed beyond blessed by our small group community. We love having tight knit friendships where we can also bless others. I know it can be difficult to put yourself out there and invite strangers into your mess, but in Romans 12 Paul is clear about rejoicing with those who rejoice and and weeping with those who weep. I find it otherwise impossible to do such things if we are secluded from a community of believers. We were made for community and family beyond those living within the same four walls.
“Communal grief and communal joy is what knits hearts together for the long haul.”
It has since become more of a focus in my life to stay connected just as God has intended us to do. Despite my current circumstances, I aim to maintain my relationships and find ways to continue growing. I would also encourage you to reach out to a neighbor or simply smile, hold the door, or wish a stranger a “good day.” Kindness is contagious.
“Relational. It’s who we are, because it’s who God is.”